Places To Visit
Whilst staying at The Meryan House Hotel take a peek at all these wonderful places to visit, all of which we hope will add a pinch of excitement to your holiday in Somerset.
The vast amount of history associated with Somerset coupled with the towns contemporary recreational activities makes it a favorite among tourists and from all across the world.
Places To Walk in Taunton Please click on the following links>>>
Longrun Meadow – Taunton Silk Mills/ French Weir (Park at the Park and Ride)
Staple Hill – Black Down Hills.
Kings Wood/ Cliff – North Petherton.
Netherclay – Taunton (Bishops Hull)
The River Tone is close by and runs through a popular conservation area, called Netherclay where you can walk for miles and see riverside wildlife, birds and scenic views.
This is a very popular area for walkers and fisherman alike.